This is how we roll.

Monday, 26 July 2010

This Will Be The Start of A Beautiful Friendship

I hope.

I've always said that if you say you're going to do something, you should tell someone else because then you have to do it. This is the principle I'm applying here. I've been anorexic for 6 years and I genuinely suck at it. My problem is that I'll go for weeks without eating a whole lot and then I'll crack and binge, but I'm determined to soldier on and I'm hoping that this blog, along with whoever I meet because of it, will help me reach my goal.

This blog will be a recording of my weight loss, any tips and tricks I find, thinspo pictures (I'll post one of these per entry - enjoy today's, especially if you don't like chinese food) and an attempt at bringing the ana community together. I'll provide links to other blogs, websites, forums...that sort of thing.

My start weight is embarassing. Perhaps that's also my motivation. Shame. So here goes:

Start weight: 155lbs (god, that looks even worse written down).
Weight goal: 110lbs

Okay, so the plan is this: 1 week of eating 300 calories a day, two 40 hour fasts, rinse and repeat. I'm currently at 20hrs of my first 40hr fast this week.
I have my hot lemon water (metabolism booster), my thinspo book, my red bracelet and an optimistic smile on my face. Here goes!

Quote of the day:

"Thank God I have this ugly fat body for which to focus on and hate and spend all my time trying to fix, change, lessen. Thank God for exercise machines, and diet pills. Thank God for weightloss. Thank God I can try and fix the outside because I just know that the inside is beyond repair."

Think thin thoughts!
45lbs to go.

Love to you all,
