This is how we roll.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Obvious Fatty is Obvious

I like uploading the image first and then typing around it. No idea why.

Skip ahead to...

I've been very bad lately. I've been eating. I've been drinking. I've been...screaming on the inside. I'm due on in a week. AND I AM SO SICK OF BEING FAT! I am sick of my grandparents and my dad lecturing all the time about what I should and shouldn't do. I just want to say: Look, if you wanted some sort of influence on how I turned out then maybe you should've been around more. But you weren't. Leave me alone. I'll do what I want with my life. Because it's MINE. You have no business here. Go away.

I'm sorry, guys. I'd been doing so well the past few days. Not with eating, but with being more productive and job-hunting and doing stuff around the house and today, I just feel awful. It's my own fault. I just feel so alone. Normally, I don't mind. I like being alone. I'm not a huge fan of interacting. I like people. I just don't like talking to them. But today, I feel so so alone. I want to scream and cry and yell at someone. I want a hug, from someone and I can't ask. I can never ask. I can never rely on anyone because relying on people is stupid. The only person you can count on is yourself.

Besides, I'm too much of a burden. I'm too...unreliable. I am so sick of that adjective being used to describe me. I want to be better. I want to be thinner. I want to be smarter. I want to stop being such a baby. Stop being such a weakling. JUST STOP IT.


My new diet plan for the week is this: Fast (if someone will fast with me) or live on cucumber and 5 calorie jelly until I run out of either. I have a large cucumber and 8 pots of jelly. Even if I binge, I can't do any damage. I can do this. I will do this. I will be at least 5lbs thinner by next week. I will be thinner by this time next week.

I'll post stats tomorrow so you can have before and after. I'd do it now but I can't get to the scales to weigh myself, just do measurements.

Today's Thinspo

I've been watching re-runs of AMNTM while I've been doing aerobics in the morning and I think Fo is beautiful. It makes me sad that she lost just because of her height. I also have short hair, am short and have a similar skin tone so I'm hoping to look like her in 3 months :)

Today's Quote

"Life is like the night sky. In the darkness, there are stars" - Anon.

Today's Playlist

1) Have to Drive - Amanda Palmer
2) Come Home Soon - Hannah Trigwell
3) The Good Life - Five Times August
4) Waves of Grain - Two Gallants
5) Glass Slipper - The Dresden Dolls

Does anyone know of any way I can get a gizmo for this thing so I can play you the songs instead of just list them? I am totally incompetent with HTML so if you do, e-mail me: or comment below.

very simple instructions should do it but I may ask for diagrams.

Love you all,



  1. If you still want to fast together I do to, thats if you still want to.
    Stay strong :) ox

  2. I would love to fast with you...I feel like you just explained exactly how I have been feeling. I feel the word "BURDEN" has been embedded into my DNA. If you ever need to talk or just scream...I'm here...I'm still unemployed, I have tons of free time. :) email me whenever...hang in there darling...much love!

  3. Gah! You just gave me an idea! I can watch tv while on the treadmill! That never occured to

    Good luck losing 5 this week!

    Stay strong!

  4. hey girl I know how exactly how you feel!!! you never feel good enough!when you attempt to do things you hesitant or you do it but your always second guess yourself and your always saying to your self "am I ok, did I do that right?" your a afraid of failure and being let down. I know how hard it is for me do things or try to do things and I always feel like I am not good enough even when I am told I am doing a good job I always feel like I could have done better. But dont feel down girl your amazing inside and out things will happen, things in life take somethings longer than others!!! your a strong person dont worry good things will happen for you I know they will!!!!
    p.s I also watch ANTM, I am watching it on you tube I started watching all of them in order I am now on cycle 10!!!
    Stay strong girl!!!!

  5. I'd love to fast with you on the weekend.
    Remind me to add you tomorrow, okay? I'm off the computer after posting this.
    You're right. Tomorrow is a new day.

  6. total agreement! I hate the constant nagging, all.the.time!

    Sorry its a tad late, but i'm feeling joining in this fast you've all ready started if you don't mine :)
    Hope its going well for you!
    Let me know xxxx

  7. Feel free to join in - the more the merrier! :)

  8. Check out this site if you want to embed your music:

    1. Search for a song
    2. Click the + icon to the far right to add the song to your list
    3. Search for as many other songs as you like and add them in the same way
    4. Once you're done, click the green "save" button on the top of the playlist

    It should walk you through some prompts that ask what kind of player you want and what not. At the very end it will give you a code. Copy and paste that big blob of text wherever you want the playlist to appear.

    Hope it works. [:
